이름 | 모델 | 장비이용의뢰서/예약하기 |
DART-HRMS / AccuTOF 4G+ DARTEquipment location : 102동 B103-5호 (Bldg.102, Room.B103-5) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
Element analyzer 1(C,H,N) | 원소분석기 / Truspec MicroEquipment location : 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
Element analyzer 2(C,H,N,S,O) | 원소분석기 / Flash 2000Equipment location : 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
GC/MS/MS | 가스크로마토그래피 질량분석기 / 450-GC & 320-MSEquipment location : 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
GPC/MALS | 겔침투크로마토그래프 / Agilent 1200S/miniDAWN TREOSEquipment location : 102동 B111호 (Bldg.102, Room.B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
LC/MS/MS 2 | 액체크로마토그래피 질량분석기 / Xevo G2 TofEquipment location : 102동 B111호 (Bldg.102, Room.B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
MALDI-TOF/TOF | 매트릭스보조레이저탈착비행시간질량분석기 / autoflex maxEquipment location : 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111) |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
NanoLC-MS/MS 1 | 액체크로마토그래피 고분해능 오비트랩 질량분석기 / Orbitrap-ELITEEquipment location : 102동 B102-2호 |
Request of Analysis Reservation | |
NanoLC-MS/MS 2 | 액체크로마토그래피 고분해능 오비트랩 질량분석기 / Q-Exactive plusEquipment location : 102동 지하 102-1호(Bldg. 102 Room B102-1) |
Request of Analysis Reservation |