Equipment Search
Education & Seminar
- 2024년 연구장비분야 전문인력양성 연구장비 집중과정 교육생 추가 모집 서류심사 합격자 발표2024.07.05
- 생체효능검증실 소동물구역 케이지 배정 방안 안내2024.07.15
- Bio-TEM 이전에 관한 공지.2024.07.02
- 2024년 연구지원본부 기술세미나 일정 안내2024.06.25
- Information on Technical Support Items of IVRC2024.05.28
- Solvent Suppression NMR2024.08.06
- Normal-TEM manual2024.01.12
- Wire Bonder#2 Manual (Korean Only)2023.09.12
- Quanta FE-SEM Self-user manual(Eng)2023.08.03
- Quanta FE-SEM 자율사용자 교육자료(한국어)2023.08.03
This is the procedure to use the equipment of UCRF. Please ensure the procedure is different by each laboratory.
Discount Criteria
This is the criteria of discount for the use of equipment. Please refer to the specified criteria of discount.
Research equipment sharing
It is a space to manage the research facilities and equipments in UNIST by transferring them according to demand.