
[Must Read] Change of SEM, XRD equipment manager(3/1~)

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2025.03.04 (화)

안녕하세요, 연구지원본부 시험분석지원팀 이경애입니다.

학내 조직개편으로 인한 장비 담당자 변경이 있어 알려드립니다.

– SU8220 Cold FE-SEM, SU7000 FE-SEM, Cold FE-SEM, Quanta FE-SEM, Hitachi sputter, 역상현미경: 이종훈선생님(

– Multi-Purpose XRD, High Resolution XRD, High Power XRD, Normal XRD: 이경애선생님(

위 사항과 관련하여 더 궁금한 점 있으시면 연락주시기 바랍니다.


이경애 드림
Hello, this is Gyeong-ae Lee from EAST.

We would like to inform you that there has been a change in the equipment manager due to the reorganization of the university.

– SU8220 Cold FE-SEM, SU7000 FE-SEM, Cold FE-SEM, Quanta FE-SEM, Hitachi sputter, Inverted Microscope: Jong-hoon Lee(

– Multi-Purpose XRD, High Resolution XRD, High Power XRD, Normal XRD: Gyeong-ae Lee(

If you have any further questions regarding the above, please contact us.

Thank you.

Gyeong-ae Lee