
[기기분석실] [5/30] HPXRD Self-user Training

  • 38Views
2015.04.30 (목)

1. Date : 30th April. 2015

2. Location : Natural Science Bld B115

3. Application

Click Here and fill the form untill 29th April. 2015 If you can’t link the site, send e-mail.

4. Other details

1) Each trainee should bring own samples

2) Sample condition

– Sample type : power or Film (coating on Si whatever)

– amount at least 5mg the more the better

3) Each trainee should take 1 hour to measure so please check the time when you are get.

4) If any further questions, feel free to contact me. (Extention 4035 e-mail sophia@unist.ac.kr)
