UDMC perform role as an ‘Hub’ of technical innovation and provides technical support to client for their research activities.UDMC can carry out technical support to wide-ranging engineering field with the top-class infrastructure. Based on the processing, measuring and design technology, it is possible to manufacture the experimental machine and instruments with nanometer to micrometer scale precision.
Manufacturing process is divided into high-precision and general processes. High-precision process stands for the large surface micro machining as well as the micro channel process. General process deals with manufacturing zig for various application and hard-to-machine material manufacturing including the measuring the cutting force coefficients. 3D printing technology is also ready for the manufacturing complex geometry.
Surface roughness can be measured in both contact and non-contact method with high-precision probe.
We perform the technical consultant and feedback to the client with support of 3D CAD program and commercial FEM program.
Automobile, shipbuilding, machine, display, mobile, and semi-conductor are the major industries of Ulsan. UDMC are going to become core establishment and perform role as an infrastructure with part and material supports to the Ulsan major industries. -
Supporting educations and training
- Training for educational courses : Manufacturing processes & systems, Mechanical design, CAD/CAM, etc.
- Extra training for basic operation processes of machining.
- Producing parts for experiments and maintenance.
Supporting researches
- Producing experimental systems and maintenance for researches
- Producing samples for researches
Supporting maintenance of facilities
- Supporting facilities for researches and maintenance
- Basic infrastructures and apparatus
- Maintenance for facilities of administration
- Supporting cooperations with domestic small and medium industries
Top class establishment for multi-sclae machine part manufacturing and treatment.
Research support of specialized agency for a miniature.- Improved precision processing and surface treatment technologies ensuring professionalism in service.
- Domestic and strengthening university research capabilities through a variety of technical support in the shape of the nano scale.
- Small firm equipment with high-performance equipment and technical support.