
High Sensitive and Multiplex Confocal Microscope_LSM980 | 초고감도 컨포컬 현미경

보유장비 관련 정보
Model LSM 980
Technician Jin-Hoe Hur
Contact 052-217-4161 /
Status for Reservation 가능
Reservation Unit 1hr Maximum Time (per day) 24hr
Open(~ago) 15일 Cancel (~ago) 3일
Equipment location 110동 908호
  • Description

    초고감도 공초점 현미경으로 빠르게 이미지 촬영이 가능하고 다양한 Application에 대응할 수 있습니다.

    This equipment is a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope imaging device that can analyze the deposition and characteristics of amyloid beta in high speed and high resolution by using the brain section sample of dementia disease mouse.

  • Specifications

    • Body : ZEISS Axio Observer 7

    • Objectives : 10 x, 20 x, 40 x (Water), 63 x (oil)

    • Transmitted Light Source : 100 W Halogen

    • Fluorescence Light Source : 100 W Metal Halide

    • Observation : Bright Field, DIC, Fluorescence

    • Laser : 405, 445, 488, 561, 639nm

  • Applications

    • Spectral Detection

    • FRET, FRAP