
Photoactivated localization microscopy_Super Resolution | 초고해상도 현미경(PALM)

보유장비 관련 정보
Model ELYRA P.1
Maker Carl Zeiss
Technician Jin-Hoe Hur
Contact 052-217-4161 /
Status for Reservation 가능
Reservation Unit 1hr Maximum Time (per day) 무제한
Open(~ago) 15일 Cancel (~ago) 3일전
  • Description

    PALM, Detection with an effective resolution down to 20 nm can show substructure and patterns where conventional microscopy will reveal “merely” co-localization. This can achieve effective lateral resolutions down to 20 - 30 nm and 50 - 80 nm axially.

  • Specifications

    • Body : ZEISS Axio Observer Z.1

    • Objectives : 10 x, 20 x, 40 x (oil), 63 x (oil), 100 x (oil)

    • Transmitted Light Source : 100 W Halogen

    • Fluorescence Light Source : 120 W Metal Halide

    • Observation : Bright Field, TIRF, Fluorescence, Superresolution Imainging

    • Laser : 405, 488, 561, 640 nm

  • Applications

    • Two-Color SR Imaging

    • PALM use photoswitchable proteins; excellent Z capture range

    • Resolution : XY 20 nm, Z 50 nm

    • Map protein localization onto a structural context

    • Track many molecules and retrieve diffusion behavior