
GC/MS/MS | 가스크로마토그래피 질량분석기

보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 450-GC & 320-MS
제조사 Bruker
담당자 배종훈
연락처 052-217-4055 / jhoonbae@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 0.5hr 1일최대예약시간 2hr
예약Open(~일 전) 5일전 예약취소불가(~일 전) 1시간전
장비위치 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111)
  • Description

    GC/MS/MS makes an effective combination for chemical analysis. Mixture of volatile substances is separated by gas chromatography. Via a transfer line the fractions of each peak are transferred into the ion source where the ion ization takes place. After acceleration, the ions pass through a magnetic field which causes deviation of their linear flight curve according to their respective mass. After this magnetic field the detector counts the ions.

  • Specifications

    • Ionization mode

    - electron ionization

    - positive/negative chemical ionization

    • Mass range : 10 ~ 2,000 amu

    • Mass axis stability : ± 0.1 unit over 24 hrs

    • Resolution : 0.7 amu at 1,250 amu/sec,

    0.6 amu at 500 amu/sec

    • Mass type : tandem triple quadrupole

    • Library : NIST library

  • Applications

    • Confirmation of organic compounds structure

    • Confirmation of molecular weight

    • Identification of impurities and by-products