
GPC/MALS | 겔침투크로마토그래프

보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 Agilent 1200S/miniDAWN TREOS
제조사 Agilent/Wyatt
담당자 서현경
연락처 052-217-4183 / seohk26@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 1hr 1일최대예약시간 12hr
예약Open(~일 전) 5일전 예약취소불가(~일 전) 3시간전
장비위치 102동 B111호 (Bldg.102, Room.B111)
  • Description

    Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) is a termused for when the separation technique size exclusion chromatography (SEC). GPC is often used to determined the relative molecular weight of polymer. Multiangle light scattering (MALS) is a technique for determining, independently, the absolute molar mass and the average size of particles in solution, by detecting how they scatter light.

  • Specifications

    • GPC

    - Eluent: Tetrahydrofuran(THF)

    - Column temperature: 30 ºC

    - Flow precision : < 0.07 % RSD

    - Pressure : 0 ~ 400 bar

    - Detector type : double-beam photometer

    - Wavelength range : 190 ~ 600 nm

    • MALS

    - Light source : 60 mW GaAs linearly polarized laser

    - Laser wavelength : 658 nm

    - Laser life time : >10,000 hours

    - Detectors : 3 angles

    • Molecular weight range : 103 ~ 106 g/mole

    • Molecular size range : 10 ~ 50 nm

  • Applications

    • Analysis of synthetic polymer

    • Analysis of biopolymer