
3D Print | 3차원 프린터

3D Print
보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 sPro60 SLS Center
제조사 3D Systems
담당자 정우현
연락처 052-217-4176 / print102@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 3시간 1일최대예약시간 8시간
예약Open(~일 전) 1주일 예약취소불가(~일 전) 1일
장비위치 107동 110호 (Bldg.107, Room.110)
  • Description

    With an input 3D CAD data into SLS machine, machine makes slice date automatically and CO2 laser scans the surface of deposited nylon powder. The powder scanned by laser sintered / solidified and the powder that is not scanned remains the statue of powder. If the machine works correctly as the description above, it is able to build 3D physical models coresponding to 3D CAD data.

  • Specifications

    • Technology : selective laser sintering process

    • Laser & Scanning : 30 watt CO2 Laser

    • Scan speed : 5 m/sec

    • Minimum layer thickness : 0.08 mm

    • Build envelope : 330 x 381 x 457 mm (X, Y, Z)

    • Powder layout : precision counter rotating roller

    • Input data file format : STL

    • Smart feed calculations outside of preview

    • Caculates scale and offset factors

    • STL add & delete on the fly software

  • Applications

    • Design prototype

    • Functional prototype

    • Rapid manufacturing part

    • Metal part

    • Q.D.M

    • Master precision casting