
Physisorption Analyzer | 물리흡착분석기

Physisorption Analyzer
보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 ASAP2420
제조사 Micromeritics Instruments
담당자 배종훈
연락처 052-217-4055 / jhoonbae@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 1hr 1일최대예약시간 40hr
예약Open(~일 전) 5일전 예약취소불가(~일 전) 24시간전
장비위치 102동 B111호 (Bldg.102, Room B111)
  • Description

    Accurate and precise surface area and porosimetry measurements are essential to the determination of the effectiveness and quality of a wide variety of materials. Surface Area and Porosimetry system integrates multiple gas sorption techniques into a single, convenient tabletop instrument.

  • Specifications

    • Operating specifications

    - Surface area range : 0.0005 m2/g and up

    - Pore diameter range : 3.5 ~ 5000 Å

    - Micro volume : detectable within 0.0001 cc/g

    • Pressure measurement Resolution

    - 0 to 1 mmHg Transducer : 0.0000001 mmHg

    - 0 to 10 mmHg Transducer : 0.00001 mmHg

    - 0 to 1000 mmHg Transducer : 0.001 mmHg

    • Typical relative pressures

    - N2/Liquid N2 : 10-7

    - Ar/Liquid Ar : 10-7

  • Applications

    • BET, langmuir surface.

    • BJH, t-Plot, MP, αs-plot, D-A, H-K, DFT Plus (Micro/Mesopore)

    • Pore size distribution, volume.