
Analysis Lab2023 16th, June HPXRD Self-user training

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 강      사
소      속 진행자 / 연락처 /

HPXRD 자율사용자 교육을 아래와 같이 진행합니다.

HPXRD는 Right Measurement (Multi sample 분석가능) 와 Left Measurement (Only one sample 가능)이 있습니다. (현재 Left 고장)

– Training (6/16)

– Test (6/23)

테스트용 샘플 & 장비 메뉴얼 종이 준비해서 오세요 ! 시료가 없어도 괜찮습니다.

*바로 test 가능한 분들은 담당자에게 연락하셔서 따로 일정 잡아서 보시면 됩니다. (개인 청구함.)

You can apply to HPXRD Self-user training and test.

HPXRD has the Right Measurement (Auto measurement) and Left Measurement (Only one sample measurement). (Now Left Measurement is out of order.)

Recently, the Right Measurement has been out of order. So this training will go on the Left Measurement.

Schedules are listed below.

– Training (6/16)

– Test (6/23)

After training time, you will test at next week.

+Please read introduction & manual file of HPXRD before you come here.

*Please bring your testing sample & manual paper !

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
1st Training 9:00~ 9:50 AM Bld 102 Room B101-2 4 0
2nd Training 10:00~10:50 AM Bld 102 Room B101-2 4 0
3rd Training (Foreigner Only) 11:00 ~ 11:50 AM Bld 102 Room B101-2 4 1
4th Training 13:00~14:30 PM Bld 102 Room B101-2 6 4
5th Training 15:30~17:00 PM Bld 102 Room B101-2 6 2