
Analysis Lab2023 3rd Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course)(6/26)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 B114, Bldg.102 강      사 Lee Gyeong Ae
소      속 UCRF 진행자 / 연락처 Lee Gyeong Ae / 052-217-4163

2023 3rd Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course)

1. Contents: Theory and Practice of EDS analysis

2. Schedule

a. Explanation of Overall process : 2023.6.26(Mon) 10:00 ~ 11:00

c. Location: B114, Bldg 102

3. Requirement for this course : Nano230 or Quanta200 FE-SEM self-user

4. Bring your SEM training materials

5. If you have any question, please contact to me.


SEM manager

Lee Gyeong Ae(4163)

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
필수 2023 3rd Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course) 10:00~11:00 B114, Bldg.102 20 4