- UCRF Experimental and Analysis Support Team(UMCL)
- UCRF Fabrication and Manufacturing Support Team(UNFC)
- UCRF Experimental and Analysis Support Team(UEAC)
- UCRF Fabrication and Manufacturing Support Team(UDMC)
- UCRF Biological Research Support Team(IVRC)
- UCRF Biological Research Support Team(UOBC)
- UCRF Planning and Operation Team(URSL)
- UCRF Experimental and Analysis Support Team(USRRC)
In case of self-userTraining & Testfor obtaining self-user licenseIn case of requestionContact and disuss withUCRF staff
Visit UCRF homepage for reservation
Self-user measurementFill in logbook &Check the equipmentStaff measurementReview and provide theresultsInform the free to user at the following month
- UNFC internal equipment is self-operated available as shown in the following order.
- Needs Self user On- line reservation [http://ucrf.unist.ac.kr]
- When request of equipment operating to UCRF staff, must have a discuss with staff.
Guide of using UNFC
- Applicationof safety training
- Taking a courseof safety training
- Evaluation and interview
- Application of long termaccess and payments
- Approval and issueaccess cards
Guide of using equipment
- On-line reservationof the equipment operatortraining
- Taking a courseof equipment operatortraining
- Evaluate progress(Representative)
- On-line reservationuse of the equipment
- Equipment approval for use
- Check & Confirm ofequipment bill(Last day of every month)
client request
- Filling out request for processing (client)
- Accepting request for processing (CAD file, sketch, photo)
- Discussion on progression of processing manufacturing
- Material purchase, modeling(plans) works
- Feedback on plans (client)
- Selection of processing machine & checking processing conditions
- Confirming product & measuring
- Receipt of product (client)
- Billing
- Machine training for self-use
- Safety education & exam
- Material purchase, modeling(plans) works
- Consulting technician in charge of machine
- Visiting homepage & reserving processing schedules
- Selection of processing machine & checking processing conditions
- Confirming product & measuring
- Billing
User Training (Group Seminar)User Training Application
Animal Ethic Training(On line)CITI Program Individual Sign up
On-Site TrainingIVRC Access Permissions Application
IACUC DeliberationAnimal Experiment Protocol
Animal ImportAnimals Purchase Application Animals Import Application from outside facility
Animal ExperimentTechnical Support Application Equipment Use Application
Experiment CompletionAnimal Experiment Completion Report
The form can be downloaded from the(http://ucrf.unist.ac.kr) After filling the various forms, please scan and send via e-mail
In case of self-userTraining & Testfor obtaining self-user licenseIn case of requestionContact and disuss withUCRF staff
Visit UCRF homepage for reservation
Self-user measurementFill in logbook &Check the equipmentStaff measurementReview and provide theresultsInform the free to user at the following month
- Submit registration form for radiation worker
- Radiation education by law (new worker, periodic)
- Medical check up
- radiation worker registration & get a personal dosimeter
- submit the RI purchase request, experiment method
- order to RI sales agency, receiving
- RI use, storage, disposal in radiation area
- the end of radiation work & return the personal dosimeter
Standards for permit/notify of Radioisotope, etc.
Standards for permit/notify of Radioisotope, etc. standards related Law Permit RI - 1.Unsealed source and Facilities
- 2.Sealed source and Facilities
Art. 53 of Nuclear Safety Act. and Art. 65 & 66 of Enforcement Regulation RG - radiation generating devices, of which the maximum voltage of the accelerating tube is more than 170 kilovolts and the surface radiation dose rate is more than 10μSv/h
Notify RI radioisotopes are contained in any equipment
- 1.Usage:
- ① X-ray fluorescence analysis;
- ② X-ray diffractometry;
- ③ Electron capturing regarding gas chromatography;
- ④ Others determined and publicly notified by the commission
- 2.Quantity:
- ① or calibration
- 1) the quantity of radioisotopes shall not be more than 40MBq
- 2) the surface radiation dose rate shall be not more than 500μSv/h when radioisotopes are in use
- 3) 1μSv/h when radioisotopes are not in use
- ② any container or equipment other those as provided in the foregoing Item
- 1) quantity of radioisotope shall be not more than the level determined by commission
- 2) the surface radiation dose rate shall be not more than 10μSv/h
- 3) such equipment shall be integral equipment that is prevented from contact with radioactive materials
- ① or calibration
Art. 65 & 66 of Enforcement Decree RG - 1.Usage:
- ① X-ray fluorescence analysis;
- ② X-ray diffractometry
- ③ Accelerated ion implanting
- ④ Baggage screening
- ⑤ Others determined and publicly norified by the commission
- 2.Capacity: Self-shielded radiation generating devices, of which the maximum voltage of the accelerating tube is not more than 170 kilovolts and the surface radiation dose rate is not more than 10μSv/h
exemption from controlled quantity and concentration shall be not more than the level determined by commission Art. 5 of Enforcement Decree and Art. 9 of Notification on Radiological Protection guide * contact : Min-seok Jeong (2504)
Annual Operation Schedule (180 days of user beamtime with 3 runs/year)
Annual Operation Schedule (180 days of user beamtime with 3 runs/year)/caption> UNIST (50%) General User (50%) UNIST users ER beamtime Maintenance & Upgrade General users Maintenance & Upgrade 35% (63 days) 5% (9 days) 5% (9 days) 35% (63 days) 15% (27 days) -
UNIST beamtine : Beamtine proposal → Evaluation → Assignment → Experiments
- Operation Schedule : Annual schedule of user beamtime operation is posted at PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
- 1st Run (Jan. ~ Apr.), 2nd run (May – Jun.), 3rd (Sep. – Dec.)
- Application method : Submit the beamtime proposal to UCRF or UCRL all the year round.
- Application deadline : 1st Run (Early Jan.), 2nd Run (Middle of Apr.), 3rd (Mid-Aug.)
- Assignment schedule : 1st Run (Mid-Jan.), 2nd Run (Late Apr.), 3rd (Late Aug.)
- The application and assignment of emergency beamtime proposal is all the year round.
- Experimental
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)
- X-ray Crystallography
- Small-angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
- Wide-angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD)
- Grazing-incidence X-ray Scattering (GIXS)
- Fees : Non-proprietary (free), Proprietary (\1,500,000/day), Request for analysis (\2,000,000/day)
- Operation Schedule : Annual schedule of user beamtime operation is posted at PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
General user Beamtime : Beamtine proposal → Evaluation → Assignment → Experiments
- Operation Schedule : Annual schedule of beamtime operation is posted at PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
- 1st Run (Jan. ~ Apr.), 2nd run (May – Jun.), 3rd (Sep. – Dec.)
- Application method : Submit the beamtime proposal thorough Pohang Accelerator Laboratory website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
- Application deadline : 1st Run (Aug. of Previous Year), 2nd (Dec. of Previous Year), 3rd Run (Apr.)
- Assignment schedule : 1st Run (Jan.), 2nd Run (Mar.), 3rd (Jul.)
- Experimental
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)
- X-ray Crystallography
- Small-angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
- Wide-angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD)
- Grazing-incidence X-ray Scattering (GIXS)
- Fees : Non-proprietary (\100,000/day), Proprietary (\1,500,000/day), Request for analysis (\2,000,000/day)
- Operation Schedule : Annual schedule of beamtime operation is posted at PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
UCRL use guide
- Once you get beamtime assignment notification from the user office of Pohang Accelerator laboratory, register for site access through PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr)
- Complete required radiation safety training through PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr) or make a schedule for onsite radiation safety training.
- Discuss details of your experiments with beamline contact person in advance and prepare thoroughly for your experiments.
- Guest house: Register and get the approval for guest house thorough PAL website (http://pal.postech.ac.kr) when you get beamtime assignment. You can pick up keys at user office. When the user office is over, keys can be picked up at the front gate of PAL.
- Do on-site check-in at user office and perform experiment at the assigned beamline after complete beamline-specific training.
- Acknowledgments
- UNIST beamtime: Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MSIP and UNIST Central Research Facilities.
- General user beamtime: Experiments at PLS were supported in part by MSIP and POSTECH.