Discount Criteria

(UNIST)Self -user : 50 % Client : 100 % Enterprise out of Ulsan : 120% (Unit : won)
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    UMCL Electron Microscopy
    Advanced TEM (Titan G2 Cube 60-300) TEM hr 292,320 417,6000
    CS-STEM(JEM-ARM300F) TEM, STEM, EDS, EELS hr 219,240 313,200
    HR-TEM (JEM-2100F With Cs Corrector) Imaging, STEM, EDS hr 146,160 208,800 -Grid : 10,000won
    Normal TEM (JEM-2100) Imaging, STEM, EDS hr 73,080 104,400
    Bio-TEM (JEM-1400) Imaging hr 58,460 83,520
    Quanta 3D FIB (Quanta 3D FEG) Milling hr 146,160 208,800 -Mo grid : 40,000won -Gel pack : 20,000won
    TEM 시편제작 hr 146,160 208,800
    Imaging, EBSD hr 43,840 62,640
    Helios 450HP FIB (Helios 450 HP) Milling, Image hr 146,160 208,800
    TEM 시편제작 sample 292,320 417,600
    NX2000 FIB (NX2000) Milling, Image hr 146,160 208,800
    TEM 시편제작 sample 292,320 417,600
    SU7000 FE-SEM (SU7000 SEM) Imaging, EDS hr 56,370 81,420
    SU8220 Cold FE-SEM (SU8220 Cold SEM) Imaging, EDS hr 56,370 81,420
    Cold FE-SEM (S4800 Cold SEM) Imaging, EDS hr 43,840 62,640
    Nano230 FE-SEM (Nova Nano230 SEM) Imaging, EDS hr 36,540 52,200
    Quanta200 FE-SEM (Quanta200 SEM) Imaging, EDS hr 36,540 52,200
    Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation
    Advanced Plasma System Cleaning sample 7,300 10,440
    Dimple Grinder Dimpling hr 3,650 5,220
    FEI Sputter Sputtering sample 7,300 10,440
    Hitachi Sputter Sputtering sample 7,300 10,440
    Inverted Metallurgical Microscope Imaging hr 7,300 10,440
    Ion Milling System Milling hr 18,270 26,100
    Low Angle Ion Mill Milling hr 14,610 20,880
    Low Speed Saw (Techcut4) Sawing hr 5,110 7,300
    Mechanical Polishing System (Metprep3) Polishing hr 7,300 10,440 -Silicon carbide: 5,000/ea
    Mechanical Polishing System (Multiprep) Polishing hr 7,300 10,440
    Mounting Press Mounting sample 14,610 20,880
    Nano Mill Milling hr 18,270 26,100
    Plunge Freezer Sample preparation for TEM hr 36,540 52,200
    PIPS Milling hr 14,6100 20,880
    Ultramicrotome (Leica EU7, RMC CR-X) SEM용 시편제작(상온) sample 51,150 73,080
    TEM용 시편제작(상온) sample 73,080 104,400
    SEM용 시편제작(저온) sample 95,000 135,720
    TEM용 시편제작(저온) sample 146,160 208,800
    Precision Etching Coating System Coating (C) frequency of use 21,920 31,320
    Coating (Ti, Ta, Cr) frequency of use 29,230 41,760
    X-ray Analysis
    High Power XRD (D/MAX2500V/PC) WAXS hr 36,540 52,200
    VT-XRD, In-situ hr 36,540
    High Resolution XRD (D8 Advance) Phase Analysis hr 36,540 52,200
    High Resolution Power XRD Cu Kalpha1 Phase Analysis hr 73,080 104,400 Capillary price is the same
    Cu Kalpha (Kalpha1+Kalpha2) Phase Analysis hr 36,540 52,200
    Multi-purpose High Power XRD (Smart Lab XE) Phase Analysis hr 36,540 52,200
    In-situ hr 36,540 52,200
    In-situ (He gas) hr 5,220 5,220 extra charge
    Normal XRD (D8 Advance) Phase Analysis hr 18,270 26,100
    Spectroscopic Analysis
    Varian 600MHz NMR (Solid-state NMR) 1H (or within 20 min) sample 24,110 34,440 Overnight experiment (50% discount)
    13C CP-MAS 1.5 hr 108,480 154,980
    13C DP-MAS 3 hr 216,960 309,960
    Solid (other) hr 72,340 103,350
    Overnight (50%) 16 hr 578,640 826,560
    Preprocessing(Rotor) sample 80,000 80,000
    Bruker Cryogenic 600MHz NMR (Solution NMR) 1H (or within 20 min) sample 16,070 22,960 Cryogenic 600 NMR : 2-3 times higher sensitivity compared to the existing 600 NMRex) 400/1hr = 600/18min = Cryo 600/5min· Sample tube (400 MHz) 1) WG-1000: 6,000 2) WG-1228: 11,000 3) WG-535-PP: 50,000· Sample tube (600 MHz) 1) WG-1000: 6,000 2) WG-1241: 20,000 3) WG-535-PP: 50,000· NMR solvent 1) D2O, CDCl3: 6,000 2) DMSO-D6: 20,000 3) D2O4, TFA-D: 20,000 4) THF-D8, DMF-D7: 40,000 5) Others: Actual expense settlement· Special experiment: Temperature experiment, 2D NMR, etc.
    13C hr 48,210 68,880
    Special experiment hr 48,210 68,880
    Preprocessing sample Remarks Remarks
    Bruker 400 NMR (Solution NMR) 1H (or within 20 min) sample 8,760 12,520
    13C hr 26,300 37,580
    Special experiment hr 39,420 56,340
    Preprocessing sample Remarks Remarks
    FT-IR (670-IR/620-IR) Main body (ATR mode) hr/sample 21,920 (hr) 10,440 (sample)
    Main body (acc. mode) hr/sample 32,880 (hr) 15,660 (sample)
    Microscope hr/sample 43,840 (hr) 20,880 (sample)
    UV-Vis-NIR (Cary 5000) basic(%T, Abs) hr 18,270 13,050 (based on 30 min. per sample)
    Reflectance measurement Using ACC(%R) hr/sample 21,920 26,100 (sample)
    UV-Vis-NIR Microspectrometer (20/20 PV) Qualitative analysis hr 19,000 27,140
    Fluorometer (Cary Eclipse) Fluorescence analysis hr/sample 7,300 10,440
    Spectrofluorometer (FP-8500ST) Quantum yield hr 18,270 26,100
    Zeta Potential (Nano ZS) Potential measurement hr 19,000 27,140
    Preprocessing Claim actual fee Claim actual fee
    Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer (EMX plus) ambient temperature hr/sample 36,540 52,200
    Low temperature(L-N2) hr/sample 51,150 73,080
    Ultra-low temperature(L-He) hr/sample 51,150 73,080
    Preprocessing sample Claim actual fee Claim actual fee
    Surface Analysis
    XPS (K-alpha) Qualitative sample 43,840 62,640 Basically, a measurement that does not exceed 1 hour is considered one sample. When exceeding 1 hour, an external fee of 60,000 won/hour is added.
    Depth sample 87,690 125,280
    UPS (Escalab230) Surface analysis hr/sample 65,770 93,960 Basically, a measurement that does not exceed 1 hour is considered one sample. When exceeding 1 hour, an external fee of 90,000 won/hour is added.
    Depth profile hr/sample 109,620 156,600
    AFM (MultimodeV) Surface analysis & multi mode hr 36,540 52,200 -Probe actual fee applied
    AFM (Dimension, Ikon) Surface analysis & multi mode hr 36,540 52,200 -Probe actual fee applied
    AFM-Raman Confocal Raman (Alpha300S/Alpha300R) Element Analysis hr 18,270 26,100
    TOF-SIMS (TOF SIMS 5) Basic fee basic fee 73,080 104,400 – Additional costs apply if exceeding 1hour -additional cost incurred for data reprocessing
    Surface Analysis sample 51,150 73,080
    Depth Profile sample 51,150 73,080
    Imaging sample 51,150 73,080
    Physisorption Analyzer (ASAP 2420, 2020) surface area sample 43,840 62,640
    surface area & others (meso pore) sample 58,460 83,520
    surface area & others (micro pore) sample 73,080 104,400
    Mass Analysis
    MALDI-TOF/TOF (autoflex Max) MS sample 21,920 31,320 – Autonomous usage is billed per hour (30 minutes)
    MS/MS sample 43,840 62,640
    GC/MS/MS (450-GC & 320-MS) DIP MS sample 21,920 31,320
    GC/MS sample 43,840 62,640
    GC/MS/MS sample 65,770 93,960
    HPLC/MS/MS (HCT Basic System) ESI MS sample 21,920 31,320
    MS/MS sample 43,840 62,640
    LC/MS sample 51,150 73,080
    LC/VWD sample 51,150 73,080
    LC/VWD/MS sample 62,110 88,740
    LC/MS/MS sample 73,080 104,400
    GPC/MALS (Agilent 1200S miniDAWN TREOS) GPC sample 21,920 31,320
    MALS sample 62,110 88,740
    DART-HRMS (AccuTOF 4G+ DART) ESI, DART sample 21,920 31,320
    Use of HR mode sample 7,300 10,440
    UPLC/Q-TOF-MS (Xevo G2 Q-TOF) HRMS sample 21,920 31,320
    MS/MS sample 43,840 62,640
    LC/MS sample 73,080 104,400
    LC/MS/MS sample 87,690 125,280
    UPLC sample 36,540 52,200
    Element Analyzer (Flash 2000) C,H,N,S analysis (basic 3 times) sample 29,230 41,760
    O analysis sample 29,230 41,760
    LC/MS/MS (Orbitrap Elite, Q Exactive plus) Protein Identify Sample 219,240 313,200
    Protein Identify (Shot-gun) Sample 657,720 939,600
    Phophopeptide Site Determination Sample 125,280 187,920
    In-Gel Digestion Sample 36,420 52,200
    1D SDS-PAGE Mini Gel / Silver Staining Gel 73,080 104,400
    1D SDS-PAGE Mini Gel / Colloidal Staining Gel 58,460 83,520
    1D SDS-PAGE Gradient Gel / Silver Staining Gel 146,160 208,800
    1D SDS-PAGE Gradient Gel / Colloidal Staining Gel 125,280 187,920
    ESI MS Sample 29,230 41,760
    Thermal & Physical Analysis
    Thermal Analysis (TA Q200, Q600, Q800, Q500) Thermal analysis (Basic 2hour) sample 21,920 31,320
    extra time hr 3,650 5,220
    Low temperature use (Q800) sample 7,300 10,440
    Diatometry Thermal analysis hr 36,540 52,200 -Basic 3-hour measurement -Additional fee of 10,000 won per hour
    Seebeck Coefficient Analyzer (SBA458) Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity sample 14,610 20,880 -Basic 3-hour measurement -Additional fee of 5,000 won per hour
    Rheometer (Haake Mars 3) Measurement of physical properties 기본료 (2hr) 29,230 41,760 hr
    hr 3,650 5,220
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    UNFC E-beam lithography (NB3) Process 2 hr 219,240 313,200 – Pattern provided by requester -Basic ER/PR and chemical supplied (AR-P 6200.09, AR-P 671.04, AR-N 7520.18, AR 600-546, AR 300-71, AR 300-46) – Data consulting, Job file making, e-beam resist coating, baking & develop fee
    additional fee 0.5 hr 58,460 83,520
    E-beam lithography #2 (Attach) Process 0.5 hr 36,540 52,200
    Photo lithography (MA6#1,#2) Process 0.5 hr 21,920 31,320 -Basic PR and chemical supplied (GXR601, DPRi-1549, AZ5214, AZ4330, nLOF2035, MIF300) -Spin coater, Wet Station, Oven, Hot plate free -using personal materials (PR): 1,800won/30min discount
    Photo lithography (MDA400S) Process 0.5hr 18,270 26,100
    Laser lithography (Picomaster 200) Process 0.5hr 36,540 52,200
    Deep Si Etcher (Tegal 200) Process 1 time ≤ 100 um 109,620 156,600 -Over 100μm, separate negotiation required
    additional fee 100 um 36,540 52,200
    Dielectric RIE (Labstar) Process 1 time 43,840 62,640 Separate consultation if proceeding for more than 30 minutes
    Metal RIE (Labstar) Process 1 time 43,840 62,640
    Dielectric ICP-RIE (FABstar) Process 1 time 65,770 93,960
    Metal ICP-RIE (FABstar) Process 1 time 65,770 93,960
    CCP etcher Process 1 time ≤ 30 min 182,700 261,000
    Plasma PR Stipper (PTP 300) Process 1 time 29,230 41,760
    Plasma Treatment System (V15-G) Process 0.5 hr 29,230 41,760
    XeF2 etcher Process 1 time 73,080 104,400 -Material cost gas separate (500won per 1cycle)
    Wet Station (Wet Station) Process 0.5 hr 10,960 15,660 -Free for long-term admission fee payers
    E-beam Evaporator #1 (Temescal_FC-2000)) Process 1 time ≤ 300nm 65,770 93,960 -Based on one sheet of 6 inches -applied actual cost of materials(Au, Ag, Pd, Pt etc.) -Special metal and crucible to be provided by the user -An additional process fee will be charged for every 300 nm
    additional fee Add layer 32,880 46,980
    100 C 21,920 31,320
    E-beam Evaporator #2 (WC-4000) Process 1 time ≤ 300nm 65,770 93,960
    additional fee Add layer 32,880 46,980
    100 C 21,920 31,320
    DC Sputter (SRN-120) Process 1 time ≤ 500 nm 43,840 62,640 -Special target consultation (user prepared) -additional fee – temperature: 100℃/30,000won – Add layer 30,000won
    additional fee ≤ 100 nm 7,300 10,440
    RF Sputter (SRN-120) Process 1 time ≤ 30 min 65,770 93,960
    additional fee ≤ 30 min 65,770 93,960
    DC HSC Sputter (SRN130) Process 1 time ≤ 500 nm 43,840 62,640
    additional fee ≤ 100 nm 7,300 10,440
    RF HSC Sputter (SRN130) Process 1 time ≤ 30 min 65,770 93,960
    additional fee ≤ 30 min 65,770 93,960
    PE CVD #1, #2 (PEH-600) Process per 65,770 93,960 additional fee ≤ SiO2 1um ≤ Si3N4 0.5 um
    PE CVD#3 (FABStar-PECVD) Process  per 65,770 93,960 additional fee ≤ SiC 0.5 um ≤ Si3N4 0.5 um
    Atomic layer deposition (Lucida D100) Process  per 109,620 156,600 -additional fee -If additional deposition of 100Å or more -40,000 won per 50Å
    Atomic layer deposition (Atomic premium CN1) Process  per 109,620 156,600
    LP CVD_Poly/Nitride (KVL206) Process One batch (25 pieces) 219,240 313,200 addtional fee ≤ D-Ploy 0.3 um ≤ Si3N4 0.5 um
    LP CVD_TEOS (VULCAN-V61RL) Process One batch (25 pieces) 219,240 313,200 addtional fee ≤ SiO2 0.3 um
    Auto Parylene Coating system (NRPC-500) Process 1time 73,080 104,400
    Furnace (KHD-306) Process One batch (25 pieces) 219,240 313,200 – Wet oxidation film: based on 1μm – Dry oxidation film: based on 0.3μm
    Rapid Thermal Processing RTP, RTO 30 min 36,540 52,200
    CMP&Lapping system CMP Basic fee(Wf) 73,080 104,400 4/6/8’‘ wafer, Piece: 20x20mm
    > 1 um 73,080 104,400
    Lapping & polishing Basic fee(Wf) 43,840 62,640 Max. 6’‘ wafer
    > 200 um 14,610 20,880
    Dicing Saw#2 (NDS-1012) post-process per (Process A) 21,920 31,320 -Process A: Non-pattern -Process B: Pattern -additional fee: More than 30 dicing lines Glass, Quartz, Si and other substrate consultation
    per (Process B) 29,230 41,760
    Additional fee (>30 line) 7,300 10,440
    Wire bonder #1, #2 post-process 1 hr 21,920 31,320
    Normal SEM Microstructure profile analysis hr 29,230 41,760 Additional fee: Sputter use
    Additional fee 5,220 10,440
    AFM (NX20) measurement 30 min 18,270 26,100 -probe actual fee applied
    Ellipsometer (AR06DM) measurement per session 10min 4,380 6,260 -Additional fee: new material, reference data -Free for long-term admission fee payers
    Additional fee 5,220 10,440
    Thickness Measurement (ST4000-DLX) Free for long-term admission fee payers per session 10min 4,380 6,260 Free for long-term admission fee payers
    Surface Profiler (P-6) measurement 10 min per session 4,380 6,260
    Surface & Height 3D profiler measurement 10 min per session 4,380 6,260
    Measurement Microscope (Axio Scope A1) measurement per session ≤ 30min 7,300 10,440
    4-Point Probe System (CMT-SR2000N) measurement 10 min per session 4,380 6,260
    Probe station measurement 1 hr 29,230 41,760
    Low temp. (8 hr) 133,630 167,040
    admission fee fee by period 7,300/day 112,750/1M 224,460/3M 396,720/6M
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    UEAC GC/HRMS (JMS-800D, JMS-800D UF, JMS-700d) HRMS Sample 219,240 313,200 Quantitation analysis: The number of samples is calculated by adding standard samples.
    GC/MS (Agilent 7890A/5975C) GC/MS Sample 43,840 62,640 Quantitation analysis: The number of samples is calculated by adding standard samples.
    GC/MS/MS (Agilent 7010B QQQ) GC/MS/MS Sample 65,770 93,960 Quantitation analysis: The number of samples is calculated by adding standard samples.
    ICP/MS (Nexion 2000 & Nexion 5000) Element Analysis Sample (1element) 36,540 52,200 • 1 element basis • 5,220 won/additional elements
    Pre-treatment Sample 21,920 31,320
    GC/ECD (7890A/u-ECD) GC Sample 36,540 52,200
    LC/MS/MS (Xevo TQ-S) Quantitative analysis Sample 73,080 104,400 Quantitation analysis: The number of samples is calculated by adding standard samples.
    ICP-OES (720-ES & iCAP Pro) Element Analysis Sample 18,270 26,100 • 3 element basis • 3,130 won/additional elements
    Pre-treatment(Acid) Sample 21,920 31,320
    Pre-treatment(Fusion) Sample 43,840 62,640
    GCxGC/tof-MS (Pegasus 4D) GC Sample 43,840 62,640
    2D GC Sample 73,080 104,400
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    UDMC CNC 5-Axis Machining (C40U) Precision processing hr 51,150 73,080 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    CNC 3-Axis Machining (B300V) Precision processing hr 36,540 52,200
    CNC late (TPL-6) Presision cylindrical processing hr 21,920 31,320
    Lathe (TIPL-410) Cylindrical processing hr 10,960 15,660
    Vertical Milling Machine (STM-2VM) plane processing hr 10,960 15,660
    CNC Surface Grinding (DSG-630) precision plane processing hr 21,920 31,320 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    Metal Cutting Band Saw (KDBS-200) Material cutting per 3,650 5,220 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    Electro Discharge Machine (znc200m) Shape electric discharge machining hr 21,920 31,320 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    Coordinate Measuring Machine (pgs) Precision measurement hr 18,270 26,100 -Design fee separate
    Three-Dimensional Measurement (NV-3000) 3D measurement hr 18,270 26,100 -Design fee separate
    Semi Auto Formtracer System (SC-V3100) Precision measurement 0.5 hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Mult-Component Dynamometer (2825A) Precision measurement hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Laser Interferometer (XL-80) Precision measurement hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Powerful Microscope (MF-1010B) Precision measurement 0.5 hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Mini lathe & Milling (ML-360) Processing of small structures per 3,650 5,220 – Material fee & Design fee separate
    Bench Drilling Machine (MD-360) hole processing per 3,650 5,220 – Material fee & Design fee separate
    Plotter (HP Z6200) paper per 36,540
    Fabric per 41,760
    Universal Testing Machine (AGS-100NX) Precision measurement hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Electron-Beam PIKA Machine(PF32B) Precision processing hr 36,540 52,200 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    Ultra- Precision Nano Machine (FANUC ROBONANO α – 0iB) Precision processing 2hr 87,690 125,280 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    3D Print (sPro TM 60SD SLS Center) Prototype production per 36,540 52,200 -Material fee  separate
    Laser Cutting Machine (K2CMS1) Precision cutting 0.5 hr 21,920 31,320 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    3D Scanner (REXCAN DS2) Precision measurement 0.5 hr 14,610 20,880 -Design fee separate
    Wire-Cut EDM (SL400G) Precision cutting hr 29,230 41,760 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    Welding (350A) product joining 0.5 hr 10,960 15,660 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    CNC Multi Tasking Machine (NTX 1000) Turning/milling processing hr 43,840 62,640 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    ULTRASONIC Machine (20 Liner) Specialized processing hr 58,460 83,520 -Material fee & Design fee separate
    General processing hr 36,540 52,200
    Design fee (Modeling work) CAM 0.5 hr 10,960 15,660
    Modeling (Design) 0.5 hr 10,960 15,660
  • Embryo frozen & transplantationEmbryo frozen preservationvariety/month10,22014,610-a fertilized egg 200ea
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    IVRC IVC Rack cage Mouse breeding Cage․Day 650
    Rat breeding Cage․Day 980
    Isolation-Mouse breeding Cage․Day 1,300
    Isolation-Rat breeding Cage․Day 1,960
    Anesthesia perscription per case 5,220 Issuance of veterinary prescriptions
    Basic experiment others. Disease Model Production hr 31,320 Change of item name: From ‘Tumor Model Production’ to ‘Disease Model Production’
    Other surgeries and experimental support hr 31,320
    Embryo frozen distribution per animal 51,150 73,080 basic 2pairs
    Embryo transplantation variety 365,400 522,000 Including Microbial Monitoring, Excluding  Transportation Fees
    Animal purification variety 803,880 1,148,400 Provision of Offspring at 4 Weeks after Surrogate Embryo Transfer (Includes Microbial Monitoring, Excludes Transportation Fees)
    Behavioral analysis equipment Video analysis hr 9,290 13,360
    Evaluation of motor sensory function hr 9,290 13,360
    Behavior analysis lab Space usage fee hr 6,870 9,810
    Histopathology equipment Tissue-processor sample 43,840 62,640
    Paraffin embedding center hr 5,100 7,300
    Microtome hr 6,570 9,390
    Cryostat hr 6,570 9,390
    H&E staining sample 33,610 48,020
    In vivo imaging analysis equipment MRI hr 111,080 158,680
    micro CT hr 43,840 62,640
    In vivo optical Imaging system hr 51,150 73,080
    Data analysis fee (Optical Imaging System) hr 10,440
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    UOBC Confocal SIM Scan (FV1000) Imaging Analysis hr 36,540 52,200
    ZDC Mircoscope (Cell R) Imaging Analysis hr 21,920 31,320
    TIFRM System (Cell TIRFM) Imaging Analysis hr 51,150 73,080
    Virtual Microscopy (DOT/SLID) Imaging Analysis hr 14,610 20,880
    Confocal Microscopy (FV10i) Imaging Analysis hr 21,920 31,320
    Inverted Microscopy (IX-71) Imaging Analysis hr 14,610 20,880
    Bio Imaging Navigator (FSX-100) Phase, Fluorescent image Analysis hr 14,610 20,880
    Macroview (MVX10) Fluorescent image Analysis hr 14,610 20,880
    MetaMorph /AutoQuantX Imaging Analysis software 3,650 3,650
    Imaging Analysis 1 (ZEN, Imaris 8.0, MM, AQ) Imaging Analysis software 3,650 3,650
    Imaging Analysis 2 (ZEN, Imaris 9.6) Imaging Analysis software 3,650 3,650
    Lightsheet Analysis (Arivis, Imaris 9.6) Imaging Analysis software 3,650 3,650
    Super Resolution Microscope (SIM) Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Super Resolution Microscope (PLAM) Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Calcium Imaging Microscope System Imaging Analysis hr 21,920 31,320
    Multi-Photon Microscopy Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Laser Capture Microdissection Imaging Analysis hr 21,920 31,320
    Multi-Photon Confocal (LSM780NLO) Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Super Resolution (SIM & PALM) Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Light Sheet Microscope Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    High Sensitive and Multiplex 980 Imaging Analysis hr 73,080 104,400
    Spectral and Live Cell Confocal (LSM780) Imaging Analysis hr 58,460 83,520
  • 공용장비이용료
    Division Equipment (Model) Analysis Item Unit Fee Remarks
    UNIST (70%) Client (100%)
    USRRC UNIST-PAL Beamline XAFS SAXS WAXD GI-WAXD Crystallography self-use (24hr) 310,050
    request (8hr) 1,879,200