Education & Seminar

Materials Characterization Lab2025 XRD Self-user Training 1(2025-03-05~2025-03-06)

보유장비 관련 정보
2025.03.05~2025.03.06(3/5~3/6) 10:00~18:00
Place B101-2, Bldg.102 Lecturer Lee Gyeong Ae, Park Ji-hye
Affiliation EAST Host/Contact Lee Gyeong Ae, Park Ji-hye /
Attached file

안녕하세요, 시험분석지원팀 이경애입니다. XRD 자율사용자 교육 안내 드립니다.

1. 교육 신청 시 주의사항

– 장비 교육은 1교시부터 순차적으로 신청 부탁드립니다.
측정할 샘플을 반드시 가지고 오시기 바랍니다. 측정조건 확인해서 올 것!(필름 시편의 경우 양면테이프 지참)
– 교육 및 측정 후 분석료 청구됩니다.
– 실험복 착용

2. 장비고장 및 수리일정

– [HPXRD]: 4월 말 수리가능([HPXRD] 이용자들은 [MPXRD] 교육신청 혹은 랩원에게 교육받고 저에게 메일로 등급조정신청)
– [HRXRD]: 3월 둘째주 수리가능

3. 교육 일정 및 장비

– 3월 5일(이경애선생님): 10:00~11:30, 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30, 16:30~18:00 -> [NXRD] or [MPXRD] 신청
– 3월 6일(이경애선생님): 10:00~11:30, 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30, 16:30~18:00 -> [NXRD] or [MPXRD] 신청
– 3월 5일(박지혜선생님): 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30 -> [HRPXRD] 신청

4. 교육 장소
– 102동 B101-1호

위 사항과 관련하여 더 궁금한 점 있으시면 메일 주시기 바랍니다.(

XRD 담당자 이경애


Hello, this is Gyeong-ae Lee from EAST. I will guide you through the XRD self user training.

1. Notes when applying for training

– Please apply for equipment training in order from the 1st period.
– Please bring the sample you want to measure. Check the measurement conditions before coming!(For film samples, bring double-sided tape)
– Analysis fees will be charged after training and measurement.
– Wear a lab coat

2. Equipment failure and repair schedule

– [HPXRD]: Repair possible at the end of April ([HPXRD] users, apply for [MPXRD] training or receive training from a lab member and request a level adjustment by email to me)
– [HRXRD]: Repair possible in the second week of March

3. Training schedule and equipment

– March 5 (Gyeong-ae Lee): 10:00~11:30, 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30, 16:30~18:00 -> [NXRD] or [MPXRD] Application
– March 6 (Gyeong-ae Lee): 10:00~11:30, 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30, 16:30~18:00 -> [NXRD] or [MPXRD] Application
– March 5 (Ji-hye Park): 13:30~15:00, 15:00~16:30 -> [HRPXRD] Application

4. Training Location
– B101-1, Building 102

If you have any further questions regarding the above, please email me. (

XRD Manager Gyeong-ae Lee

Course Title Time Place Limit Applicant
NXRD Training 1 10:00~11:30 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
NXRD Training 2 13:30~15:00 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
NXRD Training 3 15:00~16:30 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
NXRD Training 4 16:30~18:00 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
MPXRD Training 1 10:00~11:30 on 6th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
MPXRD Training 2 13:30~15:00 on 6th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
MPXRD Training 3 15:00~16:30 on 6th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0
MPXRD Training 4 16:30~18:00 on 6th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 1
HRPXRD Training 1 13:30~15:00 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 1
HRPXRD Training 2 15:00~16:30 on 5th, Mar. B101-2, Bldg.102 1 0