Materials Characterization LabHelios FIB Self-user Training (2025-02-03)
Date |
Place | 102동 B108호 (Room B108, Bldg. 102) | Lecturer | Lee Sunyi |
Affiliation | UCRF | Host/Contact | Lee Sunyi / 052-217-4023/ | Attached file |
FIB Self-user Training
1. 교육내용 (Contents) : FIB 시연 및 실습 (Introduction and training of Helios FIB)
2. 일정 (Schedule)
1) Cross section : February 3(Mon) 09:30 – 11:30 (Practice)
2) TEM sampling : February 3(Mon) 14:00 – 17:00 (Practice)
3. 교육장소 (Location) : 102동 B108호 (Room B108, Bldg. 102)
4. 기타
교육 참석자는 Quanta 3D FIB 3개월 이상 사용 유저 및 유경험자로 제한합니다.
Applicants are limited to experienced user of Quanta 3D FIB for more than 3 months.
If you have questions, please let me know via e-mail (