Education & Seminar

Materials Characterization LabHPXRD self-user training (March, 2020) 3/24, 3/31

보유장비 관련 정보
2020.03.24~2020.03.31(3/24 and 3/31) 10:00 - 18:00
Place Bldg.102, B101-2 Lecturer Lee sunyi
Affiliation Host/Contact Lee sunyi / 052-217-4023
Attached file

HPXRD can be measured from 0.8 degree to 120 degree.

Schedules are listed below.

– Training (3/24), Test (3/31): 1hr per person.

*Please bring your testing sample & read manual paper carefully !

(테스트용 샘플-분말 또는 박막- & 메뉴얼 파일 꼭 숙지해서 오세요!)

*바로 test 가능한 분들은 따로 일정 잡아서 시험보시면 됩니다. (1시간 개인 청구함.)

Course Title Time Place Limit Applicant

[Application deadline]
10AM HPXRD 10AM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1

[Application deadline]
11AM HPXRD 11AM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1

[Application deadline]
2PM HPXRD 2PM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1

[Application deadline]
3PM HPXRD 3PM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1

[Application deadline]
4PM HPXRD 4PM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1

[Application deadline]
5PM HPXRD 5PM Bldg.102, B101-2 1 1