Education & Seminar

Nano Fabrication Center9th Cleanroom Safety & Equipment training schedule (SEPTEMBER, 2020)

보유장비 관련 정보
2020.09.15~2020.09.25(9/8,11 22-24)
Place NSB(108) B101 Lecturer
Affiliation Host/Contact Hae-ra Kang / [email protected]
Attached file

불참시 미리 알려주시고, 시간을 지켜서 참석 바랍니다.

교육은 매월 진행됩니다. 마감된 교육은 10월 교육에 신청 부탁드립니다. 

*** 장비교육 일정 변경되었으니 확인 부탁드립니다. ***

Course Title Time Place Limit Applicant

[Application deadline]
클린룸 안전교육 - Safety training Tue/ 8th/ 10 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5

[Application deadline]
Only for the international students - Safety training Tue/ 8th/ 14 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5

[Application deadline]
Photo lithography Tue/ 15th/ 10 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5
Only for the international students - Photo lithography Tue/ 15th/ 14 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 4
DC/RF Sputter Wed/ 16th/ 9 : 30 NSB(108) B101 5 3

[Application deadline]
ALD Wed/ 16th/ 11 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5

[Application deadline]
PE-CVD Wed/ 16th/ 14 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5
Ellipsometer Wed/ 23rd/ 16 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 3
Surface profiler Wed/ 23rd/ 17 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 4

[Application deadline]
Dielectric/Metal RIE, ICP Thu/ 17th/ 10 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5
PR asher Thu/ 17th/ 14 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 3

[Application deadline]
Wet station Thu/ 17th/ 15 : 00 NSB(108) B101 5 5