Materials Characterization Lab2025 3rd Normal-TEM Self User Training
Date |
2025.02.04(2/4) 10:00 ~ 17:00
Place | B104 Bldg.102 | Lecturer | Jihyun Park |
Affiliation | 연구지원본부 | Host/Contact | 박지현 / 0522174177 | Attached file |
1. Training Time
– Explanation of Overall process : Feb. 4th(Tue) 10:00 ~ 12:00
– Practice : Feb. 4th(Tue) , 13:30 ~ 15:30 (per 1 hour);
There must be a sample to practice on.
If you don’t have a sample you can practice with right now, you should sign up for the next training.
2. Contents : Theory and practice
3. Place : Room B104, Bldg.102
4. Caution
– We can’t adjust the training schedule to fit individual time.
– Self-User qualification are given to the person who complete the whole training courses and pass the test
(Rules of UCRF equipment use)
5. Before attending training, download the manual and bring it
6. When you have a question,
please let me know by e-mail(