Education & Seminar

Nano Fabrication Center10th Cleanroom Safety & Equipment training Schedule (2024)

보유장비 관련 정보
2024.10.08~2024.10.24(10/8(안전교육), 10/11(안전교육 시험) 10/22~24(장비교육)) 10/8(안전교육), 10/11(안전교육 시험) 10/22~24(장비교육)
Place 108동 B101호 Lecturer
Affiliation Host/Contact /, 4192
Attached file

Course Title Time Place Limit Applicant
Safety training 8th/Tue/10:00 NSB(108) B101 5 0
Safety training (Only for foreigner) 8th/Tue/14:00 NSB(108) B101 5 0
Photo lithography 22th/Tue/10:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
Photo lithography (Only for foreigner) 22th/Tue/14:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
DC/RF Sputter 23th/Wed/09:30 NSB(108) B101 0 0
ALD 23th/Wed/11:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
PE-CVD 23th/Wed/14:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
Ellipsometer 23th/Wed/15:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
Surface profiler 23th/Wed/16:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
Dielectric, Metal RIE&ICP 24th/Thu/10:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
PR asher 24th/Thu/14:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0
Wet station 24th/Thu/15:00 NSB(108) B101 0 0

It is not a time for application. You can apply for education 2 weeks(2024-09-24 09:00) ago from the starting date of education.
The current server time is 2024-09-21 14:38