
Analysis Lab[5/16] 2018 3rd Normal TEM Self-user Training

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 102,B104 강      사 Jong Hoon Lee
소      속 UCRF 진행자 / 연락처 Jong Hoon Lee / 4171


2018 3rd Normal-TEM self-user training
Class  Operation  Test
Date 16-May 23-May
Time 10:00 ~ 12:00 (Explanation of overall process) 09:30 ~ 17:30 
14:00 ~ 17:30 (Group training)  
Place 102, B104 102, B104

♦ Schedule

Practice class (16-May) 

AM : 10:00 ~ 12:00 (Explanation of overall TEM analysis)

PM : 14:00 – 17:30 (Each person practices with manager)

Please print the attached file and bring it.

-When you have a question, please let me know through e-mail (jonghoon@unist.ac.kr, 4171)


♦ Caution

-We can not adjust the training schedule to fit individual time.

-Please apply who can fulfill all training time without exception.

“Self user qualifications are given to the person who complete the whole training courses and pass the test” by the rules of UCRF equipment use.

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
2018 Normal TEM Self-user Training 10:00-17:30 Room B104 (Bldg.102) 4 3