
Biomed ImagingLSM780NLO Self-User Training – Confocal Microscope for Biological Sample (FL)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 Room 908, Bldg. 110 강      사 Joung Hongchan (정홍찬)
소      속 바이오지원팀 진행자 / 연락처 Joung Hongchan (정홍찬) / 052-217-4181

Contents : Principles of Confocal Microscope for Biological Sample
Schedule : March 19th (Wed) 10:00-12:00
Location : Room 908, Bldg. 110
If you have questions, please let me know via e-mail (jsindom@unist.ac.kr)

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
필수 LSM780NLO Self-user training March 19(Wen) 10:00 – 12:00 Room 908, Bldg. 110 3 1