
Analysis Lab2023 1st Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course)(2/27)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 B114, Bldg.102 강      사 Lee Gyeong Ae
소      속 UCRF 진행자 / 연락처 Lee Gyeong Ae / 052-217-4163

2023 1st Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course)(2/27)

1. Contents: Theory and Practice of EDS analysis

2. Schedule

a. Explanation of Overall process : 2023.2.27(Mon) 10:00 ~ 11:00

c. Location: B114, Bldg 102

3. Requirement for this course : Nano230 or Quanta200 FE-SEM self-user

4. If you have any question, please contact to me.


SEM manager

Lee Gyeong Ae(4163)

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
필수 2023 1st Nano230 & Quanta200 FE-SEM Self-user Training(Adv. course)(2/27) 10:00~11:00 B114, Bldg.102 20 7