
in vivo research centerOnline-User training of IVRC (Feb. 2022)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 강      사
소      속 진행자 / 연락처 /

1-4 steps must be performed for IVRC access, please check the deadline and period for each step.

1. How to apply: Click ‘Apply’ on this page
2. How to enter blackboard: Check the attached file
3. Note
* It is notified by e-mail about steps 2 to 4 to those who have completed user training properly.
* Online training PASS Standard: Total 180 points over (Video 100point, +Quiz 80point)
*  Existing entrants do not necessary on-site training if you maintain the existing entrance animal zone.
* Online access permission application abolish.
* Training schedule, not change(Exception the NEW employment).
* Internet Explorer is NOT supported by blackboard. Please use Chrome.

Admin: YunJi CHOI(T.5211/soar103@unist.ac.kr)

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
필수 100 18