
Analysis LabNXRD self-user training (Sept. 2018) 9/6, 9/13, 9/20

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
2018.09.06~2018.09.20(9/6, 13, 20)
장      소 Bldg.102 room101-2 강      사 손민혜
소      속 연구지원본부 진행자 / 연락처 / 4023

There is a self-user training of NXRD (Sept. 2018)

You can apply to NXRD which can be measured from 10 degree to 90 degree.

This training can be limited to persons only who request those XRDs recently.

Spare means that you can get the training if there is a vacancy in the training time you want.

I’m sorry for this limitation.

After 2 training time, I will test it.

+Please read introduction & manual file of NXRD before you come here. And if you have questions about NXRD, you can ask at training time.


-Training 1, 2 (9/6, 9/13): 1hr per person.

-Test (9/20): 1hr per person.

*Please bring your testing sample !


Thank you.

Minhye Son.

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수

[교육신청 대기]
(9/6, 13, 20)training 1,2, test 10:00~11:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 1

[교육신청 대기]
11:00~12:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 1

[교육신청 대기]
13:00~14:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 1

[교육신청 대기]
14:00~15:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 1
15:00~16:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 0
16:00~17:00 Bldg.102 room101-2 1 0