
in vivo research center2025 Histology: Full equipment (25.2.24-27)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 강      사
소      속 진행자 / 연락처 Choi Yun-ji / 5211

Cryostat training time has been changed from 26th to 25th, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM.

– Blending theory and practice for self user training(The manager demonstration).
– If only one applies, it will be push back to next week’s training.
– Researchers decide whether to use paraffin equipment, frozen equipment, or both.
– Be careful cutting accidents by use safety devices.
– After training, user permissions are granted.

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
Tissue processor 25/2/24 16:00-18:00 Bldg 105, room 106 3 1
Embedding 25/2/25 10:00-11:00 Bldg 105, room 106 3 1
Cryostat 25/2/25 14:00-16:00 Bldg 105, room 106 3 3
Microtome 25/2/26 10:00-12:00 Bldg 105, room 106 3 2
H&E stain 25/2/27 14:00-16:00 Bldg 105, room 106 3 2