
in vivo research centerIVRC access training (Feb. 2024)

보유장비 관련 정보
일      시
장      소 강      사
소      속 진행자 / 연락처 /
2024 On-site training  Apply period Online training On-site/safety training
Feb. 24. 1. 22 – 2. 1 2.5 – 2. 9 2. 14 – 2. 15

1. How to apply
– New researchers are choose On-site & Safety training date below. Automatically enrolled in online training when applying.
Existing entrants do not have any training if maintained zone. BUT if you want to add, need to apply for on-site training.

2. Note 
1) To enter the animal zone for the first time: Online user training + On-site training
Online training will be conducted using Blackboard.
2) Online training PASS Standard: Total 180 points over (Video 100p +Quiz 80p)
3) On-site training can apply to multiple zones per day.
4) The Bldg 105 including animal zone access are not controlled by IVRC. Access of Bldg 105: Ext.1535
5) Online training schedule, not changed (Exception for the NEW employment). On-site training may be changed in some cases.
6) Internet Explorer is not support Blackboard. Please use Chrome.
7) Access is granted on the following Monday after all on-site training has been completed.

Online training admin: YunJi Choi (Ext. 5211, soar103@unist.ac.kr)

구분 교육명 시간 장소 정원 신청수
On-site: Small animal zone [2. 14] 10:00 a.m. Bldg.105-Room 109 5 3

[교육신청 대기]
On-site: Return animal zone+Imaging room 3 [2. 14] 1:30 p.m. Bldg.105-Room 109 5 5
On-site: Small animal zone [2. 15] 10:00 a.m. Bldg.105-Room 109 5 1
On-site: Return animal zone+Imaging room 3 [2. 15] 1:30 p.m. Bldg.105-Room 109 5 2
On-site: Isolation animal zone Contact, Sooah Park (T.5212/sapark@unist.ac.kr) 5 2
On-site: Return animal zone 2 Return zone-2 is different from Return zone Bldg.105-Room 109 5 1