
Rheometer | 레오미터

보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 Haake MARS Ⅲ - ORM Package
제조사 Thermoelectron
담당자 배종훈
연락처 052-217-4055 / jhoonbae@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 0.5hr 1일최대예약시간 4hr
예약Open(~일 전) 5일전 예약취소불가(~일 전) 2시간전
장비위치 107동 107호(Bldg.107, Room 107)
  • Description

    Rheometers measure the forces (like shear) associated with a flowing substance. Typically, the flowing substance is much thicker than a liquid (like concrete). A rheometer does not simply measure flow, but also measures the effects of flow at different pressures-especially key characteristics of the flow like shear (how difficult it is to change the flow) or how the flow of a substance tends to drag surrounding materials.

  • Specifications

    • Speed : CR : 0.001 ~ 1500 min-1

    CS : 10-7 ~ 1500 min-1

    • Angular resolution : 0.012 micro rad

    • Temp. range : - 150 ~ 600 °C (Optional)

    • Frequency : 10-5 up to 100Hz

    • MultiWave : 0.01 ~ 20 Hz

    • Bearing : air bearing with micro stress control

    • Normal force : 0.01 ~ ± 50 N

  • Applications

    • G’ (storage modulus)

    • G’’ (loss modulus)

    • tan delta

    • η(Viscosity), Eta

    • Thixotropic-loop