
AFM-Raman | 주사 근접장 광학현미경 및 공초점 라만 현미경 시스템

보유장비 관련 정보
모델명 alpha300S
제조사 WITec
담당자 조미선
연락처 052-217-4034 / shail019@unist.ac.kr
예약 가능여부 가능
예약단위 0.5hr 1일최대예약시간 3hr
예약Open(~일 전) 5days 예약취소불가(~일 전) 2hr
장비위치 102동 B107호 (Bldg.102, Room B107)
  • Description

    Raman information present to characterization of the molecular structure by scattered radiation of different wavelengths. The energy change (either lost or gained) of Raman depends on the symmetry of the molecule. It is possible to obtain confocal Raman microscopy combined AFM.

  • Specifications

    • Laser wavelength : 532 nm/ 633 nm/ 785 nm

    • Lens magnification : 100 x, 50 x, 20 x

    • Confocal raman (single, line, and image scan)

    • Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM)

    • AFM mode (Acoustic AC and contact mode)

  • Applications

    • Measurement of surface topography (AFM mode)

    • Measurement of raman image & single spectrum (Raman mode)