
Nano Mill | 나노밀

보유장비 관련 정보
Model Model 1040
Maker E.A. Fischione instruments, Inc
Technician Jeong-hwan Lim
Contact 052-217-4175 /
Status for Reservation 가능
Reservation Unit 0.5hr Maximum Time (per day) 12hr
Open(~ago) 5days Cancel (~ago) 2hr
Equipment location 102동 B115호 (Bldg.102, Room B115)
  • Description

    The NanoMill TEM specimen preparation system is ideal for specimen processing following FIB milling. The NanoMill system’s concentrated argon ion beam, typically in the energy range of 50
    to 2000 eV, excels at targeted milling and specimen surface damage removal. Ioninduced secondary electron imaging is used to locate the FIB-produced lamella and then to target the region that will receive low energy milling in either raster or spot modes.

  • Specifications

    • Voltage: 50 eV to 2 kV

    • Beam current density up to 1 mA/cm2

    • Beam diameter as small as 1 µm at 2,000 eV

    • Milling angle range of −10 to +30°

    • System base vacuum of 3 x 10-7 mbar

    • Operating vacuum of 1 x 10-4 mbar

    • Gas flow rate up to 2 sccm

  • Applications

    • TEM sample preparation