
Dilatometry | 고온용 팽창 계수 측정기

보유장비 관련 정보
Model DIL-402C
Technician Hyun-Kyung Seo
Contact 052-217-4183 /
Status for Reservation 가능
Reservation Unit 0.5hr Maximum Time (per day) 4hr
Open(~ago) 5일전 Cancel (~ago) 2시간전
Equipment location 102동 B111호(Bldg.102, Room B111)
  • Description

    Dilatometery is a thermo-analytical technique for the measurement of expasion or shrinkage of a material when subjected to a controlled temperature/time program.

  • Specifications

    • temperature range : 30 ~1900 °C

    • sample holder : Fused sillica, alumina, graphite

    • sample dimension : Length-up to 50mm, diameter-max. 19mm, standard diameter-max.12mm

    • gas atmosphere : dry air, N2, Ar, H2

  • Applications

    • Linear thermal expansion

    • Volumetric expansion

    • Softening points

    • Determination of glass transition temperature

    • Sintering temperature and sintering step