Education & Seminar

Materials Characterization LabNormal XRD self-user training (Jan. 2019)

보유장비 관련 정보
Place Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room Lecturer
Affiliation Host/Contact / 4023, [email protected]
Attached file

<Self-user training of NXRD>

You can apply to NXRD which can be measured from 10 degree.

Schedules are listed below.

– Introduction & Training 1, 2 (1/4, 11/11): 1hr per person.

– Test (1/18): 1hr per person.

After 1, 2 training time, you will test at 3nd week.

+Please read introduction & manual file of NXRD before you come here.

At training time 1, I will introduce briefly about XRD and then have training time.

*Please bring your testing sample & manual paper !

<Normal XRD 교육 공지>

3주 동안 training 진행합니다. 첫째주, 둘째주에는 간단한 기기 설명과 함께 실습하며 숙지하는 연습을 합니다. 그리고 마지막 주에 바로 테스트 보겠습니다.

NXRD 최저 각도는 10도부터입니다. (X-ray beam power: 40kv, 40mA. target source: Cu)

– Introduction & Training 1, 2 (1/4, 11/11): 일대일로 1hr씩 진행.

– Test (1/18): 일대일로 1hr씩 진행.

테스트용 샘플 & 장비 메뉴얼 종이 준비해서 오세요 !

*바로 test 가능한 분들은 담당자에게 연락하셔서 따로 일정 잡아서 보시면 됩니다. (개인 청구함.)

Course Title Time Place Limit Applicant

[Application deadline]
NXRD 10AM 10AM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 1 1

[Application deadline]
NXRD 11AM 11AM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 1 1

[Application deadline]
NXRD 14PM 14PM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 1 1

[Application deadline]
NXRD 15PM 15PM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 1 1

[Application deadline]
NXRD 16PM 16PM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 1 1

[Application deadline]
NXRD 17PM 17PM Bldg.102 101-2 XRD room 2 2